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Imbedded Multi-User Facility (IMUF) Option

One of the major benefits of CAIENF r12 and later is the switch from an older relational database technology to CA Datacom/AD for optional event recording and possible future event playback. The previous versions of CAIENF used a database technology that is based on CA-Universe to record CAIENF event activity. CA Datacom/AD provides many benefits over CA-Universe technology.

CA Universe operated as an internal subtask to the CAIENF main task, and all CA-Universe database activity was performed "under the covers" completely within the CAIENF address space.

CA Datacom/AD, through its Multi-User Facility (MUF), is run as a batch job or started task in its own address space. User communication with a MUF is provided through the CA Datacom/DB Application Programming Interface (API). The CAIENF address space uses this API to manage its event recording database. Under typical CAIENF operation, this option requires the target MUF (the one CAIENF is communicating with) to have been manually started and active in a separate address space before CAIENF is started.

To require the C4AIENF users to start up another address space to service the CAIENF database, maintain the started task JCL and plan for the security settings.

To address these concerns, CAIENF is designed with an optional feature that approximates the same "under the covers" database operation as previously implemented with CA-Universe.

This feature is named Imbedded MUF (IMUF) and it removes the necessity of starting up a separate MUF address space to support the database management requirements for CAIENF.