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The CAIENF Imbedded Multi-User Facility Command

If the embedded Multi-User Facility (IMUF) is being used, you can issue CA Datacom/AD MUF console commands to the IMUF task by using the CAIENF IMUFCMD command. The format of the IMUFCMD command is:


Where muf_command_string is 1 through 40 characters comprising a MUF command that is routed to the IMUF task.

For information about MUF console command structure and usage, see the appropriate CA Datacom/AD guide.

If the MUF command contains one or more command parameters, muf_command_string must be framed within single quotes. Improper framing causes a malformed command string to be sent to the IMUF task.



In the first example, framing characters are not necessary because the MUF STATUS command does not require parameters.

IMUFCMD command responses are posted to the CAIENF job log.

The IMUFCMD command can be abbreviated to IMUFC.