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CAIENF Control Options

CAIENF supports various control options that allow you to tailor various CAIENF system functions. The commands that CAIENF supports fall into the following categories:

The Initial CAIENF options are specified using a parameter file that the ENFPARMS DD statement in the CAIENF started task JCL references, using the PARM= field on the EXEC JCL statement, or directly on the z/OS START command. After startup, most CAIENF control options can be dynamically altered at any time by entering the appropriate operator command from any z/OS console.

To set a CAIENF control option at startup time, code the desired command within the CAIENF parameter file (DDNAME 'ENFPARMS'), on the EXEC statement within the CAIENF procedure, or on the START command that is used to invoke CAIENF.

Control options that are entered on the z/OS START command have priority over the options that are entered on the EXEC JCL statement. Parameters on the EXEC JCL statement in turn have priority over the options that are entered on the parameter file. This scheme lets a parameter file option be easily overridden at startup time, if desired.

The parameter file is a sequential file that is allocated to the CAIENF started task. The data set specified for the CAIENF parameter file must be LRECL=80 and RECFM=FB. Control options are specified free-form in columns 1 through 72 and are not required to appear in any special order.

Note: When coding parameter file options, CAIENF considers any option that starts with an asterisk in column 1 to be a comment.

A valid sample for a CAIENF parameter file (all lines begin in column 1):

      * CAIENF parameters

Most control options that are specified at startup time can also be dynamically altered with the CAIENF operator command. As an example, entering ENF ARCHIVE(AUTO) changes the ARCHIVE control option. Any z/OS console or operator command facility can be used to enter CAIENF commands.