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intellisigcmd import—Import Intellisigs

The intellisigcmd import command lets you import Intellisigs. You can either use the DSM Explorer or use the command to import Intellisigs.

Command format:

intellisigcmd import [file=<import source>] [type=xml|zip] [mode=replace|mergenew|mergeall] [updateactive=yes|no] [delete=yes|no]
import source

Specifies the name of the XML or zip file to which you want to import the Intellisig. If you do not provide the file extension, the command assumes the file extension depending on the type.

Note: If you want to import to an XML file, verify that the supporting directories exist in the same folder as the XML file.


Specifies whether you want to import as XML or zip file. If you do not include this parameter, the command assumes the import type depending on the import file extension.

Valid values: xml, zip


Specifies the import mode. Following import modes are supported:

Default: mergenew


Replaces existing definitions with the definition being imported. Existing definitions are lost.


Appends new Intellisig versions to the definitions on the manager. Existing definitions are not modified.


Appends new Intellisig versions and updates the existing definitions that are included in the import file. Intellig versions that are not defined in the import files are not modified.


Specifies whether active Intellisig versions can be updated during the import.

Valid values: Yes, Y, true, 1 or No, N, false, 0

Default: Yes


Specifies whether you want to delete Intellisigs before the import. If you do not include the delete switch, none of the Intellisigs are deleted before import.

Default: No