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intellisigcmd export—Export Intellisigs

The intellisigcmd export command lets you export Intellisigs.You can either use the DSM Explorer or use the command to export Intellisigs.

Command format:

intellisigcmd export file=<export name> [type=xml|zip] [platform=all|windows|unix]
export name

Specifies the name of the Intellisig XML or zip file that you want to export. If you do not provide the file extension, and the type is xml, the command creates a folder with the provided name.


Specifies whether you want to export an XML or zip file. If you do not include the type parameter, the command assumes the export type depending on the export file extension.

Valid values: xml, zip


Specifies the platform to determine which Intellisigs are exported.

Valid values: all, windows, unix

Default: all