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TargetComputer Commands Related to OS Installation Management (OSIM)

OS Installation Management (OSIM) is the feature of Software Delivery which deals with the installation of boot images and operating system images from scratch and with their reinstallation after a system crash. The methods listed following describe how the management functionality of OSIM is provided by cadsmcmd.

OSIM administers all data about operating system installations in a network or sub-network.

Note: For

see section General Commands

This section contains the following topics:

activateOS—Activate OS Installation Order

cancelOS—Cancel OS Installation Order

deletePlannedOS—Delete Planned OS Installation Order

deleteScheduledOS—Delete Scheduled OS Installation Order

modfiyInstallParameter—Modify Install Parameters of OS Installation Orders

modifyOS—Assign OS Image to Target

reactivateOS—Reactivate Stopped / Failed OS Installation Order

reinstallOS—Re-install Operating System

removeFromOsim—Remove Targets from OSIM

showInstallParameter—Show Install Parameters of OS Installation Orders

setupOS (Obsolete Action)