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modifyOS—Assign OS Image to Target

With the modifyOS action you assign a new OS image to OSIM-managed or -un-managed systems.

The syntax of the action is as follows:

targetComputer	action= modifyOS

Name of the target computer to which the OS image will be assigned.


Name of the OS image which is to be installed at the target


Name of a boot server.

If the name is specified and the addressed target is not yet assigned to a boot server then the target is assigned to the specified boot server. If the addressed target is already assigned to a boot server and the name specified with the parameter then the action is only processed when the specified name matches the name of the assigned boot server. If the boot Server parameter is not coded then no assignments or checks as described above are performed.


MAC address of the target.

If the system is not yet OSIM registered and does not have any MAC address assigned yet then this MAC address is taken to setup the system in OSIM.

If a MAC address is available in OSIM then it has to match the specified value otherwise the command returns an error.

If this argument is not coded then the addressed system is assumed to be OSIM registered already.