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modfiyInstallParameter—Modify Install Parameters of OS Installation Orders

This action modifies installation parameters of a OSIM managed system for a planned OS installation order.

The specified parameter is modified according to the arguments specified. If default is coded the parameter is reset to the default value, if there is any. If there is none an error is reported.

Otherwise, the old parameter value is replaced by the specified one if the new value fits in the parameter specification of the related OS image.

It is not possible to change the OS image parameters by this action. A different action has to be chosen for changing the OS image assignment (action modifyOS).

When the MAC address is modified, not only the configuration parameter is changed but also the computer property. It is checked if another computer in the OSIM database already uses the MAC address. If there is any named computer entry of this MAC address, that is not queued for deletion yet, the changing of the MAC address will be rejected. If there is an unnamed computer entry of the MAC address this one will be deleted from database.

Modifying a parameter of type "extendable list" by a parameter value that is not a member of the associated list will add this value to the list. For non-extensible lists the value has to be a member of the list, otherwise, the changing is rejected.

This action has the following format:

targetComputer action=ModifyInstallParameter 

Drops user settings of the specified parameter and sets it to default.


Specifies the name of the computer of which the install parameters will be modified.


Specifies the name of the parameter to be modified.

Note: The parameter “HostName” can only be modified as long as the specified target system has not been registered from the network.
If the system has already been registered, error CMD00149 is reported: “The target has already registered. The operation is not allowed.”


Specifies the new value of the parameter.

If the parameter is a map list or extended map list, use the format "<key> <comment>"

The key and the comment are separated by a blank, and the comment is optional.

If the key contains blanks, enclose it in quotes.

Example: For an XP OS image change the setting of the "TimeZone" parameter to 095 or "095 Central Europe"

For a Vista image change the setting of the "TimeZone" parameter to "\"W. Europe Standard Time\"" or "\"W. Europe Standard Time\" UK time".