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Restart the Service Desk Daemons

After setting the connector's Windows system environment variable, you must restart the Service Desk daemons for the Service Desk service to recognize the environment variable changes.

Important! Perform this step on the Service Desk‑UNIX server only.

To restart the Service Desk daemons on the Service Desk-UNIX server

  1. Exit your UNIX session.
  2. Log in to UNIX again as the Service Desk privileged user.
  3. Verify if SD_CL_CNCTR_HOME is set correctly. At the command prompt, execute the following command:
  4. As the root user, stop the Service Desk daemons. At the command prompt, execute the following command:
  5. As the Service Desk privileged user, start the Service Desk daemons. At the command prompt, execute the following command: