Security for reports has three levels. The following levels describe what occurs at each level of access. The CA Clarity PPM administrator grants you access rights to specific features.
This access level lets you view reports. When you have access at this level, you can open the available reports page. The Reports - Access right includes this level of access.
You can be granted instance access rights to view and run a specific report. The Report - Run access right lets you run a report and view the output. This access right does not let you change the parameters that filter information for a report.
This access level lets you edit a specific report definition. When you have this level of access, you can change the report parameters to filter information for a report. The Reports and Jobs - Edit Definition instance access right lets you edit a specific report definition.
This access level helps ensure that information is provided to you if you have the right to view the information. The row content that appears in each report varies depending on the access rights you have to items contained in the report. For example, if you run a report that lists information for multiple projects, only those projects to which you have rights appear in the report.
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