Previous Topic: Scheduled Report Runs

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Define or Edit Scheduled Report Run Properties

You can edit the properties of scheduled report runs that have the "Cancelled" or "Completed" status using the report properties page. Otherwise, you can only view report run properties.

Report run properties include scheduling and notification information, and any parameters that you can customize.

Note: If a report is scheduled to run only once, you can only edit its properties before the scheduled run time.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Home, and from Personal, click Reports and Jobs.

    The list page appears.

  2. If you are editing the schedule of an existing report run, open the Reports menu, and click Scheduled Reports.

    The scheduled reports page appears.

  3. Click the name of the report to define or edit the run properties.

    The properties page appears.

  4. In the General section of the page, complete the following field:
    Report Name

    Defines the name of the report to run. For scheduled runs, a display-only report ID and its status are displayed.

  5. In the Parameters section, complete the following fields:

    Specifies the parameters used to run the report. The parameters that appear vary based on the report displayed. If this section does not appear, then your administrator did not define parameters.

  6. In the When section, choose when you want to run the report:

    Defines the interval on which the report runs.


    • Immediately. Select to run the report now.
    • Scheduled. Select to schedule the report to run later. Then complete the following fields:
    Start Date

    Defines the date of running the report.

    Required: Yes

    Start Time

    Defines the start time in hours and minutes.


    Defines the recurrent run time. You can set a recurrence, such as weekly or monthly, by clicking the Set Recurrence link. You can also set the recurrence of a scheduled report by using UNIX crontab format entry. To use crontab to set the recurrence, click Use UNIX Crontab Entry Format, and enter the schedule.

  7. Click Set Recurrence to specify a repeating run time for the report, and complete the following fields:
    Run Once

    Indicates if this scheduled occurrence only occurs once.

    Use UNIX crontab entry format

    Defines the schedule in UNIX Crontab entry format. Go to Oracle for more information about the UNIX crontab syntax format and special character usage.

    Example: 0 0 1, 15 * * runs the report at midnight on the 1st and 15th of every month.

  8. Complete the following fields in the Notify section:
    Resources to Notify on Failure

    Specifies the users who receive report status notifications when the report run fails.

    Resources to Notify on Completion

    Specifies the users who receive report status notifications when the report run successfully completes.

    Groups to Notify on Failure

    Specifies the groups who receive report status notifications when the report run fails.

    Groups to Notify on Completion

    Specifies the groups who receive report status notifications when the report run successfully completes.

    Note: If a report fails, check the status of scheduled runs for additional information or contact your administrator for assistance.

  9. Save and submit the changes.

More information:

View the Status of a Scheduled Report Run

Reports Overview
