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z/OS Service End Point Administration

The z/OS Service End Point Administration page helps you create and maintain service end point (gateway) appliances for z/OS resources. The page lists the z/OS service end point types and service end point appliances that are in the CA AppLogic® catalog.

The z/OS adminstration UI is not part of the main CA AppLogic® for System z UI.It is accessible from an appliance that has to be configured before it can be used.

For more information, see the z/OS Subsystem Connection Implementation Guide.

Note: Initially, this page contains only one entry, the Generic_svcpt_type service end point type. The generic type acts as a seed for you to add your particular end point types and end points.

To create an end point, you first create a service end point type. The type sets the properties that are required for connecting to a specific resource type (for example, CA Datacom, Customer Information Control System (CICS), or DB2). When you create an end point for a specific resource, you specify values for these properties.

The End Point Type column on the page identifies the type that is used to create an end point. The column displays N/A for a type.

CA AppLogic® for System z distributes a generic type from which you can create other types.

To create a type, right-click the Generic_svcpt_type service end point type, and click Create Service End Point Type.

To create an end point appliance, right-click the required service end point type, and click Create Service End Point.

When you create an end point type or an end point appliance, a dialog opens for you to specify the relevant information.

Note: For more information about how to create a z/OS service end point, see the Solution User Guide.

In addition, you can perform the following actions:

This section contains the following topics:

Create Service End Point Type Dialog

Create Service End Point Dialog

View Dialogs