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Create Service End Point Dialog

The dialog creates a service end point appliance from a user-defined service end point type. You specify property values for connecting to a specific instance of a z/OS resource.

This dialog contains the following tabs:


Identifies and describes the service end point appliance to create.

Service End Point Name

Specifies the name of the appliance. The name has the following limits:

  • Up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including the underscore (_)
  • No spaces
  • First character not numeric

Identifies what you are creating as Service End Point.


Identifies the type that was used to create this appliance.


(Optional) Describes the appliance.

Limits: Alphanumeric characters, @, =, _, :, %, -, (, ), * , and period (.)

Property Values

Specifies the property values.


Identifies the property.


Identifies the type of value.

  • integer indicates a number.
  • string indicates a text string.

Specifies the property value. If the property is mandatory, this field is red to prompt you to specify a value.


Indicates whether the property is mandatory. An exclamation icon (!) indicates that a property is mandatory.