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Create Service End Point Type Dialog

The dialog creates a service end point type from the distributed generic type, Generic_svcpt_type. You can define type-specific properties.

This dialog contains the following tabs:


Identifies and describes the service end point type to create.

Service End Point Type Name

Specifies the name of the type. The name has the following limits:

  • Up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including the underscore (_)
  • No spaces
  • First character not numeric

Identifies what you are creating as Service End Point Type.


Identifies the object that was used to create this type as Generic_svcpt_type.


(Optional) Describes the service end point type.

Limits: Alphanumeric characters, @, =, _, :, %, -, (, ), * , and period (.)


Identifies and defines the type properties. To add a property, click the Add button.


Identifies the property.


Identifies the type of value.

  • integer indicates a number.
  • string indicates a text string.

(Optional) Specifies the default property value. If the property is mandatory, this field is not applicable.


Specifies whether the property is mandatory. To switch the option, click the exclamation icon (!).

Note: A mandatory property has no default value.