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Usage Notes

A shortcut method of displaying a specific job is to enter the following as a top line command:


You can use this panel to access any card-image PDS, CA Librarian, CA Panvalet, or sequential file that is on a DASD volume available to CA WA CA 7 Edition.

If a SAVE/REPL is done for a member name that matches a job name in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database, and the specified DSN library is a CA WA CA 7 Edition JCL data set, the job is flagged for reload on the next run. However, if RELOAD of N is used on the DB.1 (JOB) panel, the RELOAD on the next run is ignored.

When editing CA7TOUNI or internal cross-platform jobs, we recommend the FE (fetch and edit) function to preserve the mixed case editing environment.

If the DB.7 panel is used to store the JCL in the special override library and the member name is the same as the job name, the USE-OVRD-LIB field is automatically set to Y.

Note for the RUN Function: If external security is being used with SUBUID, a job that is not defined to CA WA CA 7 Edition (not in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database) has the owner user ID to be considered the same as the requestor user ID.