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DB.7 - JCL Library Maintenance Panel

The DB.7 - Library Maintenance panel lets you enter or review statements in PDS or sequential libraries. Also, you can use the panel to review CA Librarian or CA Panvalet JCL.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

----------------------- CA-7 JCL LIBRARY MAINTENANCE ----------------------- FUNCTION: xxxxxxxx (APPEND,CLEAR,DELETE,EDIT,FE,FETCH, RENAME,REPL,RUN,RUNH,SAVE) MEMBER: xxxxxxxx NEWNAME/OPTION: xxxxxxxx DSN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JCL-ID: nnn VOLSER: xxxxxx JCLLIB: &xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ACTIVE SIZE: nnnn PROGRAM: SM50 MSG-INDX: nn -- DB.7 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following values:


Attaches card-image data to the end of any existing lines in the terminal's Active Area.


Clears panel input data fields and clears the user's Active Area.


Deletes a member from a PDS.


Transfers the user to the edit facility and allows text processing. If editing a CA7TOUNI or internal cross-platform job, we recommend the FE function to ensure a mixed-case editing environment.


Combines FETCH and EDIT commands.


Retrieves data and replaces the user's Active Area with this text. If editing a CA7TOUNI or internal cross-platform job, we recommend the FE function to ensure a mixed-case editing environment.


Used with the NEWNAME field, renames a PDS member.


Replaces a PDS member or sequential data set with the contents of the Active Area.


Submits the text editor Active Area to the default MAINID without verifying the input requirements or performing the updates that typically follow a successful job completion. Job start and job end messages are sent to the MASTER terminal (typically the BROWSE data set). The jobs that are scheduled with this function always show a due-out date and time of 69001/0000. If a /*PRIORITY statement is found as the first statement being submitted by this function, the statement is ignored and not submitted.

Limits: RUN(H) function is not valid with internal cross-platform job types.

Note: The SASSXX05 exit is invoked for each JCL statement. Also, if a job is in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database with this member name and it is set to insert the CA WA Restart Option RMS step and the CA WA Restart Option interface is installed, the RMS step is inserted. However, no other job definition (DB.1) values are used for the current submission.


Performs the same action as RUN function except this job is placed in CA WA CA 7 Edition hold status.


Adds a PDS member or replaces a sequential data set with the contents of the Active Area.

Note: The SAVE or REPL function cannot be performed on CA Librarian or CA Panvalet files.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Specifies the required member name for PDS, CA Panvalet, or CA Librarian access. This field must be omitted for sequential files.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


(Optional) Specifies a multiple purpose field. This field is required with the RENAME function to define the new name that is to replace the old name.

Default: Blank

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters and required for RENAME function only.

Batch keyword: NEWNAME

Note: For CA Librarian or CA Panvalet data set functions, a value of N indicates that include statements are not expanded. Default causes those statements to be expanded.


(Optional) Specifies the optional data set name. When reviewing a member of a PDS, CA Panvalet, or CA Librarian file, DSN is not needed when JCLID is specified. If the data set is cataloged, DSN is sufficient. If the data set is not cataloged, DSN must be specified with the VOLSER field that follows.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: DSN


(Optional) Specifies the JCL library identification. Can be used instead of DSN and VOLSER fields to refer to a JCL statement. Must be a numeric INDEX assigned to a JCL statement. JCL-ID and JCLLIB are mutually exclusive.

Default: Value is obtained from the corresponding job entry in the database if it exists. Otherwise, the default is 0 (if DSN and VOLSER are omitted).

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999. A value of 255 is reserved for symbolic indexes. See JCLLIB.

Batch keyword: JCLID


(Optional) Specifies the volume serial number on which the data set resides. Only used with DSN (that precedes). The volume must be available to CA WA CA 7 Edition.

Limits: 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: VOL


(Optional) Specifies the JCL library identification. Can be used instead of DSN and VOLSER fields to refer to a JCL statement. Must be a symbolic INDEX assigned to a JCL statement. JCLLIB and JCL-ID are mutually exclusive.

Default: Blank

Limits: 2 to 16 alphanumeric characters beginning with an ampersand (&). The value &HELP is reserved.

Batch keyword: JCLLIB


Indicates a system-generated field that tells the user how many lines exist in the Active Area for the current terminal session.

Note: CA Panvalet, CA Librarian, and PDS data sets require a JCL definition in the initialization file and in the execution JCL for CA WA CA 7 Edition.

When EDIT or FE is entered, the user is transferred to the edit facility.

More information:

CA 7 Text Editor Environment