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Scheduled Overrides

CA WA CA 7 Edition lets you schedule JCL overrides. The scheduled overrides can consist of any statement that can be included with the JCL for a job, not only JCL statements. Some special purpose statements, described later in this section, and any JCL or embedded data records can be scheduled. This method enables users to have the run stream contents dynamically constructed to fit the needs of any particular run.

You can schedule overrides for use:

This method lets users prepare the proper statements anytime in advance of their needs without having to remember them on the days they are needed. This method also enables users to ensure that they are used only on the appropriate days.

The scheduled overrides are placed in the execution JCL members. They cannot be used in the PROCLIB members because CA WA CA 7 Edition does not access those members directly. The statements to be scheduled are placed in the JCL wherever they belong and are bookended with special reserved CA WA CA 7 Edition control statements. One special statement is placed immediately ahead of the statements to define the scheduling criteria. Another special statement is placed at the end of the set to mark the end of the statements being scheduled. Multiple sets can be included within a single job. All sets must be located after the JOB statement.

The first special statement of each set indicates the scheduling criteria and whether to include or exclude the other statements in the set based on those criteria. The characters #JI, #JO, #XI, or #XO in positions 1-3 of the statement identify these special statements. Also, these statements cannot be continued.