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Parameter Data Maintenance for Internal Cross-Platform Job Types

Although these topics consistently refer to JCL (for CPU job types), the topics also apply to parameter data (PARM data) for XPJOB and agent job types. XPJOB and agent jobs are referred to as internal cross-platform jobs. Unless a specific note for XPJOBs or agent jobs is present, you can apply all JCL concepts that are discussed here to internal cross-platform jobs. You should also be aware of several other items.

When using the JCL or QJCL commands or panels to edit CA7TOUNI or internal cross-platform PARM data, the FETCH AND EDIT (FE) function is best used to maintain and allow case-sensitive editing on the parameter data. With the FE function, CA WA CA 7 Edition accesses the database or queue record that denotes whether the job is a CA7TOUNI or internal cross-platform job type. This function enforces the mixed-case editing of the data. If the data is fetched using the FETCH function and then edited using the EDIT function, the information about the job type is lost. The editor defaults to the OPTIONS,INITCASE specification in the ONLINE initialization file.

Unless an internal cross-platform job has been previously defined in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database, the initialization file OPTIONS statement, INITCASE keyword, determines the case-sensitivity for the edit session. If the internal cross-platform job has been previously defined, the mixed case attribute (which allows both uppercase and lowercase letters) is automatically assigned. If INITCASE=N is coded, all data is forced to uppercase. If INITCASE=Y is coded, you can set the case by entering MIXED or UPPER in the command area of the edit session.

If a PARM data member is added through this maintenance facility, this information is not added to the internal cross-platform job definition. If you want to use the new member during the submission process, you must update the internal cross-platform job definition through the appropriate formatted screen using a top line command (XPJOB or AGJOB).

Any references to the LOAD process do not apply to internal cross-platform job types. Because these jobs only have one step and do not reference any z/OS data sets, the LOAD process is not executed for internal cross-platform jobs.

The RUN and RUNH functions do not work for internal cross-platform job types from the JCL Maintenance panels because required information (such as Node, Agent Job Type, Agent Name, and Executable (file or script)) is not contained within the PARM data. Because these functions can be used for JCL of the CPU jobs that are not defined in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database, the functions can be attempted, and JCL errors result for internal cross-platform jobs.

Regular jobs can have either a JCL-ID or a JCLLIB coded. JCL-ID is numeric, and JCLLIB is symbolic. The JCL Maintenance panel contains both of these fields. Internal cross-platform jobs use one field for both numeric and symbolic values. This field is named PARMLIB (XPJOBs include the word "Optional"). Its batch keyword equivalent is PRMLIB. If the internal cross-platform job uses a numeric value for PRMLIB, put that value in the JCL Maintenance panel JCL-ID field. If the PRMLIB value uses a symbolic name (starting with &), use that symbolic name in the JCL Maintenance panel JCLLIB field.