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PARM Keywords

A LOGON value should be provided in the PARM data for SASSDT20. This PARM value has the same format and meaning as discussed for SASSDT10 in Job 1.

The user also has an option available that can significantly reduce the DASD requirements and slightly reduce the runtime. If the user does not use DD level documentation, as defined with the PROSE,DD online panel, DDPROSE=N should be specified in the PARM data. N is the only acceptable value.

Without this specification, the program produces an LPROS command for each nonblank stepname/ddname combination just to determine if any DD level documentation exists. Such unnecessary commands can represent as much as 85 percent or more of the number of commands needed to accomplish any one move. (Because it takes very little time for each of these commands to execute, the elapsed time savings are negligible compared to the DASD savings.) If the extra DASD space and runtime are of no particular concern, DDPROSE=N should not be specified. This ensures that any such existing documentation is included in the data being moved.

The user also has the option to ignore totally the movement of JCL, XPJOB PARM data, or AGJOB PARM data. Code the parameter JCL=N in the PARM data for module SASSDT20 to accomplish this. N is the only acceptable value. With this option specified, JCL and PARM data are ignored here, and the user must handle the movement of these elements totally external to this process. JCL=N in this job suppresses all of the JCL and PARM data related reports and command data sets in Job 3 as well. It may be wise to run these three jobs once without this option just to get the reports and again later with this option if necessary.

More information:

Job 1