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Create Command Files

The transportability process consists of multiple steps. It could be done with a single job. The user probably wants to develop multiple jobs, however, so that the processing can be manually verified between each of the three major iterations against the database.

During CA WA CA 7 Edition installation, the CA WA CA 7 Edition SYSGEN created three jobs: CA07N810, CA07N820, and CA07N830, which can be used for CA WA CA 7 Edition transportability processing.

The following discussions and examples assume that the user uses three different jobs to perform this process. JCL parameters that require special consideration are indicated in lowercase notation in the JCL examples. Unless unusually large numbers of jobs, quantities of documentation, and numbers of networks are being moved, the space allocations in the examples should be sufficient.

Before running any of the jobs, be sure to set the NLINE value in the TERM statement for the batch terminal being used to the maximum value. This minimizes the number of headings (and DASD space) required during the iterations of this process.

Note: For more information about this initialization file parameter, see the Systems Programming Guide.

More information:

Special Considerations