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Delete at Original Site

No commands are generated to delete data set definitions at the original site. The DB.1 panel has a function value of DD available. That function causes data set definitions to be deleted from the database at job deletion time if the job being deleted is the last "using-job" reference to the data sets.

If such a deletion is important, consider the following:

Job 2 produces a file of data set names on the data set referenced by the ddname of DATASETS. This file contains one record for each unique data set name that this process is moving.

Such a file becomes a source from which batch commands could be produced to perform any desired deletions of data set definitions at the original site. A data set similar to any of the BTI data sets created by this process to do DBM functions could be produced and processed to clean up the original database once the definitions were no longer needed.

More information:

Job 2