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Add at New Site

Because all of the CPU jobs moved to the new site go through the CA WA CA 7 Edition LOAD process before running at the new site, this process only generates commands to define data sets at the new site when any of the following is true:

For each of these situations, commands to perform the DBM DSN function are generated into the DBMADDS1 data set as follows:

   ADD,DSN=datasetname [,TYPE=PERM] ,SMF=Y

Adding data set definitions in this way reduces the overhead of each LOAD function when it is subsequently performed. It also ensures that the needed data set definitions are in the database so that the documentation can be added, any schedule triggering can be defined, or both. Each data set is automatically assigned a new CA WA CA 7 Edition data set number when the definition is made at the new site.

The TYPE=PERM parameter is only included for those data sets that were so designated in the old database.

The commands are sequence numbered in positions 73 through 80. They are also listed on the SASSDT30-01 control report.

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