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XN.2 - XPSWD Command

The XN.2 or XPSWD command displays a formatted panel to permit entry of security-related data for XPJOB jobs. The panel is a secured panel, which means that access to the panel and the information about it is controlled.

Note: For more information, see the Security Reference Guide.

If the XPDEF file initialization statement XSUBMIT keyword is set to N, the panel is disabled for all users.

The XPSWD panel allows the definition of the user ID and optionally, the password and Windows Domain name that an XPJOB job should use when building the request for transmission. The Owner or Node field on the XPSWD panel information should match the Owner or Node field in the actual XPJOB job definition (DB.10). Because multiple XPJOB definitions can have the same Owner or Node, the XPSWD panel eliminates the need to associate user-ID, password, and domain information with each XPJOB definition.

The XPDEF initialization file statement PSWDLOC keyword determines the order in which the XPSWD information is checked when building the request. Consider the following setting:


With this setting, CA WA CA 7 Edition looks at the XPSWD OWNER access records for user-ID, password, and domain information before looking at XPSWD NODE access records.

Note: For more information about this search hierarchy, see the Systems Programming Guide.

For example, assume that XPJOB XYZJOBA is defined to the CA WA CA 7 Edition database and its OWNER field is XUSERA. Using the XPSWD panel, you can create an XUSERA OWNER access record where the user-ID is xuseraxpjobfromca7, and xuserapswd is the password. When job XYZJOBA is requested, it includes xuseraxpjobfromca7 and xuserapswd in the request it transmits to the target system. In fact, any XPJOB definition that has an OWNER of XUSERA uses this same information in the request it transmits to the target system.

Now, assume that XPJOB XYZJOBB has its OWNER field set to XUSERB and its NODE is XNODEB. Using the XPSWD panel ,you create an XNODEB NODE access record where the user-ID is xnodebxpjobfromca7 with no password or domain. Note that there is no XUSERB OWNER record. When job XYZJOBB is requested, it includes xnodebxpjobfromca7 in the request it transmits to target system XNODEB. As above, all XPJOB jobs that are routed to XNODEB would use this same information (assuming no OWNER access record matched the OWNER field in the XPJOB definition).

OWNER or NODE can be entered on the XPSWD panel but not both simultaneously.

The XPDEF PSWDLOC value can also be set to USER. When this value is used, the input PARM data for the XPJOB job can be the source of the user-id, password, and domain information.

Always in CA WA CA 7 Edition, the password is in nondisplay format. If a request is to display the user ID and password, the password field is blank.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------- CA-7 XPJOB User ID/Password Definition ------------------- Function: xxxxxxxx (Add, Delete, Format, List, Update) Owner: xxxxxxxx or Node: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx User ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Password: (Password Not Present) Reconfirm PSWD: Domain Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Windows platform) PROGRAM: SMX2 MSG-INDX: nn -- XN.2 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: Enter function, transfer or enter a command on the top line


Indicates that the password command is entered, and a positional parameter.


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following values:


Adds a user/password for an owner or node to the database when the same named entity (owner or node) does not already exist.


Deletes an owner/node entity and its associated data from the database.


Clears the panel of all input data.


Lists an owner or node entity. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned.


Updates database information about an owner or node entity.

Batch Keyword: Positional parameter


Indicates to create an owner record. This owner equates to the owner field of the XPJOB job panel, so that multiple jobs all use the same user ID and optional password/domain name. Enter OWNER or NODE, not both.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: OWNER


Defines a default user ID and password to use when PSWDLOC=NODE is coded and used through the XPDEF PSWDLOC security hierarchy. The node must exist as a permanent entry in the node table. Enter OWNER or NODE, not both.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: NODE

User ID

Defines the user ID to insert into the information sent to the alternate platform with a job for execution. If a user specifies the ROOT user ID, a verification is made against the XPDEF SUBROOT setting. If SUBROOT is set to NO, an error message is displayed if root or ROOT is entered for the user ID.

Limits: 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: XPUSER


(Optional) Defines the password associated with the user ID to insert into the information sent to the alternate platform with a job for execution.

Note: In an online session, this is a non-displayable field.

Limits: 1 to 14 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: XPPSWD

Reconfirm PSWD

(Optional) Defines the password that is associated with the user ID, and this password should match the PASSWORD field previously entered. If a match does not occur, an error message appears asking for validation.

Note: In an online session, this field does not display.

Limits: 1 to 14 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: RXPPSWD

Domain Name

(Optional) Defines the domain name if the user ID and password are targeted for a Windows (NT) platform. Windows permits multiple domains to be executing in one machine, and this qualifies the user ID and password targeted for a specific domain on a Windows operating system.

Limits: 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: XPDMN

Password Present or Password Not Present Message

The XPSWD panel displays the (Password Present)/(Password Not Present) message to indicate the presence or absence of a password. The SASSHIS8 Transaction Detail report (Report 02) and the Database Update Transaction Detail report (Report 12) do not display the message.

The meaning of the message depends on the success of the function.

You have two options if you want to remove a password that is associated to an Owner or Node Password record: