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XN.1 - XNODE Command

The XN.1 or XNODE command lets you define permanent nodes used by XPJOB jobs.

The CAICCI nodes to which internally submitted XPJOB jobs are routed for execution are managed through an in-storage table. This table is initially built from the NODE records, stored in the database. The database node records contain the node names (primary, alternates 1 and 2), and the time of last command update if applicable. These nodes are classified as permanent nodes. The data associated with nodes in the in-storage table also includes the time of last transmission to the node or its alternates, and the number of jobs transmitted since the last time CA WA CA 7 Edition Online was started.

If a node is not in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database but the node is in the in-storage copy of the node table, it is classified as a temporary node. These node entries are added dynamically if CA WA CA 7 Edition sends a job to a node that is not previously defined. These temporary nodes can be added to the database if an XNODE ADD function is executed.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------------- CA-7 XPS Node Table Entry ------------------------- Function: xxxxxxxx (Add, Delete, Format, List, Update) Node: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Description: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alternate 1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alternate 2: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx State: xxxxxxx (Online, Offline, Stop) PROGRAM: SMX1 MSG-INDX: nn -- XN.1 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: Enter function, transfer or enter a command on the top line


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following:


Adds a new primary node definition to the active node table and to the database. The ADD function does not perform updates against any existing permanent node definition. Use the UPDATE function instead. It can be used to make a temporary node entry a permanent node entry (thus adding it to the database).


Deletes an entry in the active node table and the database. This removes the primary node entry.


Clears all fields on the XNODE panel.


Lists an entry in the active node table at the time of the command.


Updates the alternate node definitions, status information, or both.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


Defines the primary node (the key) in the function being performed. This keyword is required for all functions.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters. Although 44 characters are permitted in this field, currently CA Common Services CAICCI only permits 8-character node names.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter


(Optional) Provides a 64-byte field for sites to describe the node. This field can indicate anything a user wants and is not used in any CA WA CA 7 Edition data. Suggestions for this field include the operating system (for example, UNIX, Windows), location (for example, New York, Dallas), and other data relevant to the platform.

Limits: 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters

Batch keyword: DES

Alternate 1|Alternate 2

(Optional) Names the alternate CAICCI nodes to use if the primary node is unavailable. ALT1 must be specified before an ALT2 is used. Users may see an error message if ALT2 is specified when the primary node does not have an ALT1 defined.

Even though a CAICCI node can be assigned as an alternate, that same CAICCI node can also be used in a primary definition. CA WA CA 7 Edition only uses the primary node's alternates if the primary node is unavailable at the time the job is submitted.

For example, NODE-A is defined with NODE-Z as its alternate. NODE-Z also has a primary node definition, with NODE-G as its alternate. A job that is destined for NODE-A when NODE-A is not available is routed to NODE-Z if possible. If NODE-Z is unavailable, the job waits in the request queue until NODE-A or NODE-Z becomes available. The job is only routed to NODE-G when NODE-G is added as an alternate to NODE-A.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters

Batch Keyword: ALT1 or ALT2


(Optional) Changes the status of the node from online (active) to offline (inactive) or stop. Offline states that only this node should not be used to send any data; alternate nodes can be used. Stop status indicates that the primary and its alternate nodes should not be used at all; no data sends occur to the primary or alternate nodes.

If it is known that the node is unavailable for a maintenance window or extended time, the operator can enter this command as the maintenance window begins. This prevents CA WA CA 7 Edition from issuing messages if it detects the node is offline when a job is submitted for that node.

Note: The status can appear as FAIL if the CAICCI connection is determined by CA WA CA 7 Edition not to be active at the time of an XPJOB submission.

Limits: 1 to 7 characters

Batch Keyword: STATE