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XN.3 - AGPSWD Command

The XN.3 or AGPSWD command displays a formatted panel to permit entry of security-related data for agent jobs. Because this is a secured panel, access to the panel and the information on it is controlled. If the XPDEF file initialization statement AGENTJOB keyword is set to NO, the panel is disabled for all users.

Note: For more information about secured panels, see the Security Reference Guide.

For agent jobs that require a password, the user ID, agent, job type, and optionally a source field are used as a hierarchical key at job submission time to search a password database. The password database supports specific entries for user ID and specific or generic entries for agent, job type, and source. The search returns the most specific match.

The AGPSWD panel allows for the definition, update, deletion, or existence check of passwords associated with a hierarchical key composed of user ID, agent, job type, and source. The source field is associated with a limited number of job types. The user ID is a required field, and agent, job type, and source are optional fields. Wildcard characters are not permitted in any of the four key fields. When adding or updating a password record, if no data is supplied for an optional field (agent, job type, or source), that field is treated like a generic * mask and matches all input values during the job submission password search process.

The password is never shown on the panel, and the LIST option only returns a message indicating whether the password record was found.

To display the panel, enter:

To exit the panel:

------------------- CA-7 Agent User ID/Password Maintenance ------------------ Function: (Add, Delete, Format, List, Update) User Id: Agent: Job Type: Source: Old Password: (for Update only) New Password: Verify Password: PROGRAM: SMX3 MSG-INDX: 00 -- XN.3 -- yy.ddd / hh:mm:ss MESSAGE: Enter function, transfer or enter a command on the top line

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function to perform. Value must be the name of some other panel or one of the following values:


Adds a password record to the database when the same named entity does not already exist.


Deletes a password record from the database.


Clears the panel of all input data.


Verifies the existence of a password record through a displayed message. In batch, a formatted panel is not listed; only a found or not found message is returned.


Updates a password record on the database.

Batch keyword: Positional parameter

User Id

Indicates a user ID that is passed with a password to an agent for authorization.

Limits: Two 64-byte lines composing 128 characters. The wildcard characters * and ? are not permitted.

Batch keyword: AG1, AG2


(Optional) Indicates the agent that is the target of a job submission and where the user ID and password authorization takes place. If omitted on an add or update, it indicates that this password record is eligible for selection for all agent values.

Limits: 1 to 16 characters. The wildcard characters * and ? are not permitted.

Batch keyword: AGENT

Job Type

(Optional) Indicates the job type of the job that requires a user ID and password authorization. If omitted on an add or update, it indicates that this password record is eligible for selection for all job types.

Limits: 1 to 16 characters. The wildcard characters * and ? are not permitted.

Batch keyword: AGJOBTYP


(Optional) Indicates the source field for a job that requires a user ID and password authorization. This field applies to a limited number of job types. If omitted on an add or update, it indicates that this password record is eligible for selection for all source values.

Limits: 1 to 64 characters. The wildcard characters * and ? are not permitted.

Batch keyword: AGSOURCE

Old Password

(Optional) Defines the current password that is associated with the four key fields (user ID, agent, job type, and source).

Note: This field does not display.

Limits: 1 to 32 characters. Used only on an UPDATE request.

Batch keyword: AGOLDPW

New Password

(Optional) Defines the new password to associate with the four key fields (user ID, agent, job type, and source).

Note: This field does not display.

Limits: 1 to 32 characters. Used only on an ADD or UPDATE request.

Batch keyword: AGNEWPW

Verify Password

(Optional) Defines the new password again for confirmation purposes. If a match with New Password does not occur, the panel displays an error message.

Note: This field does not display.

Limits: 1 to 32 characters. Used only on an ADD or UPDATE request.

Batch keyword: AGVERPW