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Resource Count Resources

A resource count resource is a resource that is available for use based on a specific count or number for this resource. The count value indicates the maximum occurrences for this resource count resource. When a job to resource connection is made to a resource count resource, a value is specified. The value identifies the total number of occurrences for this resource that the job uses. When the job is submitted, this value is subtracted from the maximum amount available for the resource count resource.

For example, suppose that you have 20 tapes drives available at your site. Next, suppose that you want to manage the usage of the tape drives by connecting jobs to a resource count resource. The resource count resource can indirectly represent the tape drives by establishing a maximum total count available for the resource count resource and then connecting jobs to the resource and specifying the number of occurrences that each job uses.

Note: The following resource count resource name prefix is reserved: