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VRM Variable Definitions

Note: VRM Variable Definitions are specific to the CPU jobs because these jobs are submitted to the z/OS operating system where the IBM feature WorkLoad Management (WLM) is active. Internal cross-platform jobs do not use VRM Variable Definitions.

CA WA CA 7 Edition supports the definition of variables using the RM panels. These variables are known as VRM variables because the definitions are stored in the database.

Currently, the sole purpose of a VRM variable definition is to control the insertion of the SCHENV keyword. This function is part of the CA WA CA 7 Edition interface with the IBM Workload Manager.

Note: For more information about this interface, see the Interface Reference Guide.

The SCHENV keyword on the JOB statement names the WLM scheduling environment that must be available for the job to run. CA WA CA 7 Edition supports dynamic insertion of the SCHENV keyword on the JOB statement when the job is submitted so that manual JCL changes are not required.

The value of SCHENV to be inserted can be defined for a specific SCHID of the job using a VRM variable definition. When CA WA CA 7 Edition prepares to submit the job, it scans VRM variable definitions for the SCHID of the job. If an appropriate VRM variable definition is found, it is used to set the value of the SCHENV keyword to be inserted.