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#JI and #JO Statements

These statements have the following format:

{#JI|#JO} [,ID={0|nnn|nnn-nnn|(nnn,...nnn)}]

Indicates to Include the statements that are based on the specified scheduling criteria.


Indicates to Omit the statements that are based on the specified scheduling criteria.


(Optional) Specifies a schedule ID number. If this ID schedules the job, this test for statement inclusion or exclusion is considered true.

Default: 0

Limits: 1 to 3 decimal characters from 0 through 999


All schedule IDs.


Defines a specific schedule ID.


Defines a range of schedule IDs. If either of the two IDs specified or any ID between those two IDs schedules the job, this test is considered true.


Defines a list of IDs, either specific or ranges, which are separated by commas and enclosed within parentheses. If any test in the list is true, statements are included or excluded based on the type of statement used.


(Optional) Specifies a beginning date after which the overrides are in effect.

Default: 00000

Limits: 5 numeric characters Julian date that is specified as yyddd


(Optional) Specifies a beginning time-of-day for the BD date.

Default: 0000

Limits: 4 numeric characters that are specified as hhmm


(Optional) Specifies an ending date after which the overrides are no longer in effect.

Default: 99999

Limits: 5 numeric characters Julian date specified as yyddd


(Optional) Specifies an ending time-of-day for the ED date.

Default: 2400

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm


(Optional) Specifies that inclusion/exclusion is based on a matching fully qualified job name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) Specifies a time-of-day only at which and after which the overrides are considered for inclusion or exclusion. The OA time should be lower than the OB time specified.

Default: 0000

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm


(Optional) Specifies a time-of-day only at which and before which the overrides are considered for inclusion or exclusion.

Default: 2400

Limits: 4 numeric characters specified as hhmm


(Optional) Specifies the comparison values against which BD, BT, ED, ET, OA, and OB parameters are compared.

Default: DO


Specifies to compare values against the due out date and the time-of-day values.


Specifies to compare values against the deadline date and the time-of-day values.


Specifies to compare values against the current date and the time-of-day values.

The ID, BD, BT, ED, ET, OA, OB, and CV parameters can be used in combination to accomplish the wanted result. At least one of the parameters must be used.

Note: The default date and time used for the test for exclusion or inclusion is the job's due out time unless otherwise specified on the CV parameter. That is, if the due out time for the job falls within the beginning and ending date and time, the statements are excluded or included. The due out time for a demanded job is the current time plus one hour unless otherwise specified on the CV parameter or specified differently with the DOTM, LEADTM, or both on the DEMAND command. When using JCL validation to test these statements, the time that is used is always the current time because due-out and deadline times are not applicable.

If any errors are encountered in the #JI or #JO override statements (that is, invalid data for ID, BD, BT, ED, ET, OA, OB, or CV fields), a message is sent notifying the MASTER station that the JCL could not be attached, and the job remains in the request queue in SKELETON status.

The first statement in any JCL member must be a JOB statement and cannot be overridden. The exception is a /*PRIORITY statement that can precede the JOB statement. However, #JI and #JO statements must come after the JOB statement.