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FWLP Output

The output resulting from the online FWLP command consists of the following items:

The online Workload Planning Summary report provides a summary of the data that the FWLP command generates.

Workload Planning Summary Report

FWLP DATE 01-01-yy PAGE 0001 ** W O R K L O A D P L A N N I N G S U M M A R Y ** PERIOD . 01-01-yy AT 0000 HRS 01-01-yy AT 0800 HRS TOT INIT TP1 TP2 CPU JOB HRS HRS HRS MIN WLP 0702 0025.10 0000.00 0000.00 0068.10 RESTART ACTIVITY 0001 0000.10 0000.00 0000.00 0000.50 DEMAND ACTIVITY 0000 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 0000.00 * T O T A L S * 00703 00025.20 00000.00 00000.00 00068.60

This panel contains the following fields:


Identifies the starting and ending date and time of the time frame that this FWLP transaction covers.

Identifies summary figures for this FWLP transaction, as follows:


Identifies the total number of jobs that are scheduled during the timespan.


Identifies the total hours of initiator time.


Identifies the total hours of TYPE1 tape drive usage for the timespan.


Identifies the total hours of TYPE2 tape drive usage for the timespan.


Identifies the total minutes of CPU time that is required for the jobs, taken from the weighted average that is kept for each job in the CA WA CA 7 Edition database.


Identifies summary figures for regularly scheduled jobs for the timespan requested.


Identifies estimated resource requirements calculated from individual job rerun rate frequencies and average run requirements. These values represent the statistical average amount of restart activity to be expected. They do not necessarily represent the amount of restart activity reflected in the batch WLP Projection reports, however, since batch WLP allows the user to specify alternate ways of estimating the restart requirements.


Identifies estimated percent requirements for DEMAND jobs. Values are a percentage of the total WLP jobs for this FWLP command. The percentage corresponds with the value of the DEMAND parameter of FWLP.


Identifies summary figures for this FWLP command, including regularly scheduled jobs, restarts, and demanded jobs.