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FWLP Command

The FWLP command selects information from the database and queues for use as input for the CA WA CA 7 Edition WLP simulator and PROJECTION reports. This input supplies all critical information about the resource configurations and jobs scheduled for a specified time frame. The file created by FWLP consists of card-image, fixed format records to facilitate additions, deletions, and updates for possible resource and job specification changes through a standard text editor (CA WA CA 7 Edition, TSO, CA Roscoe, and so on).

This command has the following format:


(Optional) Defines the beginning date and time for the time frame to be generated for the simulation. FROM is optional. If omitted, the default is current date and time, and all current jobs are generated, including jobs currently in the request, ready, and active queues. If the current date but not the current time is to be used, the format can be specified as (,hhmm). If FROM is specified, the queue information is not included.


(Optional) Defines the ending date and time for the time frame to be generated. TO is optional. If omitted, SPAN data is added to FROM data to calculate TO. The FWLP notes contain more information. If the current date but not the current time is to be used, the format can be specified as (,hhmm).


(Optional) Specifies the ddname in the CA WA CA 7 Edition execution JCL that defines the data set that contains the data cards written as a result of the FWLP command.


Specifies no data is to be written to a WLP data set. In this case, only the online portion of WLP is executed and only a Workload Planning Summary report is generated. NONE is the default.


Defines the ddname to which WLP information is written. (This name must correspond to a DD statement in the CA WA CA 7 Edition online execution JCL. It points to the same data set that is referenced as input by the batch simulation execution of WLP. It must not reference a U7xxxxxx DD statement that is used to allocate a volume.)


(Optional) Defines the percentage of DEMAND work to be generated. This causes dummy job data to be generated on the output file (specified by DDNAME). Each dummy JOB statement has attributes representing average values of the actual JOB data statements created. The due-out times of these dummy jobs are spaced at equal intervals throughout the specified time frame. DEMAND is optional. If omitted, the default is 0. The value can be derived from APA averages (see Job category graphs 20, 900, 1240, and so forth).


(Optional) Defines the jobs to be selected for simulation.


Specifies all jobs are to be considered. This value is the default.


Defines the job names to be considered for simulation. Job name may be specific or generic.


Defines a list of job names. Up to 10 specific job names can be specified.


Defines a job name mask.


Defines the job network field as the selection criteria for the jobs to be forecast.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Specifies all names. This value is the default.


Defines a specific name.


Defines a JOBNET mask.

Note: If value contains blank, comma, or quote, it may not be possible to specify the value through batch input.


Specifies the CPU as selection criteria for the jobs to be included in the WLP input data. If jobs input to the simulation impose CPU restrictions as specified by MAINID, these jobs are included or excluded as indicated. MAINID is optional, but if used, one of the following is required.


Specifies MAINID is to be disregarded as a basis for job selection. ALL is the default.


Defines the CPU where n is the CA WA CA 7 Edition system number.


Specifies not this CPU.

Note: The MAINID keyword is ignored for cross-platform jobs.


(Optional) Specifies the initial resource picture module name to be used. Using RESA instead of RESP causes FWLP to produce a resource (RES) data statement each time it encounters scheduled changes in the WLB processing objectives criteria in the specified time frame. (The A indicates ascending.)


Specifies that the initial resource picture for the simulation process is the one currently in use within CA WA CA 7 Edition. This value is the default.


Specifies a CA WA CA 7 Edition WLB processing objectives definition module, that exists on the Load library, to be referenced by a WLP batch execution. (See Workload Balancing and Performance Management in the Systems Programming Guide.) This module is loaded during batch simulation processing to supply resource specifications. This module overrides the current module on the first RES statement that is generated.


(Optional) Specifies one resource picture module name to be used to generate a RES statement in the data file. If RESP is specified instead of RESA, the module or default defined here is to be used throughout the simulation process. (The P indicates permanent.) Values are the same as described for RESA.


(Optional) Defines the schedule ID value as the selection criteria for jobs to be forecast.

Default: 0 (all schedule IDs)

Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 through 999

Required: Only when job has no defined schedule


(Optional) Defines the time interval in hours, with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 8784 (approximately one year). This value is added to the FROM value to determine the ending date and time for the interval. SPAN is optional. If omitted and TO is also omitted, the default is 8 hours. The FWLP notes contain more information.


(Optional) Defines system names as a selection criteria for the jobs to be selected for simulation.


Specifies all systems are to be considered. This value is the default.


Defines a system to be considered for simulation. System can be specific or generic. If JOB=J*,SYS=S* is specified, only those jobs whose names start with J and which belong to systems with names starting with S are selected for the simulation.


Defines a system name mask.


(Optional) Specifies whether the WLP simulator input data generated is to include job-triggered jobs.


Specifies job-triggered jobs are to be included. J is the default.


Specifies no job-triggered jobs are to be included.


(Optional) Specifies whether the "don't schedule before/after" criteria defined on the job definition panel is to be honored when generating the data statements. The FWLP notes contain more information.


Specifies to honor "don't schedule before/after" criteria. ACTUAL is the default.


Specifies to ignore the "don't schedule before/after" criteria.

More information:


FWLP Notes

Common Forecast Parameter Descriptions