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GRAPHc Command

The GRAPHc line command requests graphs. It is available as an alternative to the APA Menu and prompt panels of the APA command. The graphs are divided into five categories. Each category can be invoked independently through use of one of the two following top line command formats:

Format 1

This command has the following format:


Format 2

This command has the following format:


Specifies the graph category. Use one of the following values:


Database statistics


Job statistics


Network statistics


System statistics


Specifies the graphs to display where nnnn is the four-digit graph identification number as listed in the graph directory. Leading zeros are not required. Up to 10 such numbers can be specified. Each graph identification number must be defined in the appropriate graph definition table. This parameter is required unless Format 2 is used.


(Optional) Temporarily overrides the default division factor for the primary counter of the graph being displayed (seven digits maximum).


(Optional) Temporarily overrides the default division factor for the secondary counter of the graph being displayed. This parameter is valid only for comparison graphs (seven digits maximum).


(Optional) Defines the beginning date to start displaying statistical data. Value must not be less than the current date minus two years, nor greater than the current date. When only the month is entered, the default is the first of the month specified and the current year. If omitted, the current date is assumed.


(Optional) Temporarily overrides the predefined counter used on the graph line. The following are the possible values:


Specifies to use the primary counter.


Specifies to use the secondary counter (comparison graphs only).


Specifies to use the calculated value (comparison graphs only).


(Optional) If specified, must be the only parameter listed. The following are the possible values:


Displays the graph directory.


Displays the values chosen for all parameters used in defining each graph in the category specified. The examples contain a sample of the LIST=DETL function. For the available values of these parameters, see Changing Graph Definitions in the Systems Programming Guide. For a complete listing of the graphs available through the Automated Performance Analysis (APA) facility, see the Report Reference Guide


Displays the current counters of all graphs in the category specified for that particular moment. Each graph is listed separately with individual totals and complete totals. The examples contain a partial listing of the LIST=ALL function.


(Optional) Temporarily overrides the default scale value defined for the graph ID being displayed. This value contains up to seven digits and does not affect the actual numbers to be displayed, only the scale numbers and the length of the graph line.


(Optional) Defines the ending date, in the format mmddyy, to end displaying statistical data. Value must be greater than or equal to the date specified in FROM and not greater than the current date. When only the month is entered, the default is the last day of the month specified and the current year. If omitted, the current date is assumed.

More information:

APA Command