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This section contains the following topics:

Adjusting Poll Interval Settings for Solaris Zones Environments

Attributes Show a Value of Zero

Browsers Do Not Display Consecutive Spaces in Events

Cisco UCS Folder Does Not Display in UI

DB Transaction Log Sizes Increase Unexpectedly

Deprecated Solaris Zones AIM Attributes Always Show N/A or Zero

Domain Server is not available

eHealth does not discover LPAR Physical Disks

Empty Task ID for the dpmvc virtualswitch Command

Local and Remote Monitors Do Not Show the Same Values

Naming Limitations of IBM Logical Partitions

Navigation Problem in SystemEDGE Installer on AIX Systems

NodeCfgUtil Fails to Validate the Connection to XenDesktop Controller

Performance Chart Shows Zero Memory Usage on LPAR Level

PMM Stops Polling an AIM

Remote Deployment to Solaris Lists SPARC and x86 Systems

Blank Query Results Tab after Upgrade

Removing a vCenter Server Lets Objects of Another Managed vCenter Server Disappear

Resetting the vCenter Server Password Causes Data Collection to Fail

Solaris Zones AIM Reset if a Monitored System is Down

Status Icon of Component Shows Not Configured

Upgrading SystemEDGE

Unable to Connect to Microsoft SQL Server

User Interface Does Not Reflect Product Upgrade

User Interface is Unresponsive on Provisioning and Policy Screens

User Interface is not Working

vCenter Server AIM Attributes Show Zero

vCenter Server Connection Failed

vCenter AIM Instance Status Icon Shows Disabled

vCenter AIM Instance Status Icon Shows Discovery in Progress

vCenter AIM Instance Status Icon Shows Error

vCenter AIM Instance Status Icon Shows No Polling

VM Usage Values Do Not Update Immediately After Power Down