Previous Topic: How to Configure the Policy StoreNext Topic: Configure the Oracle Wire Protocol Driver

Create the SiteMinder Schema

You create the SiteMinder schema so a single Oracle database can store policy, key, and audit logging information.

To create the SiteMinder Schema

  1. Log into Oracle with sqlplus or some other Oracle utility as the user who administers the Policy Server database information.

    Note: We recommend that you do not create SiteMinder schema with the SYS or SYSTEM users. If necessary, create an Oracle user, such as SMOWNER, and create the schema with that user.

  2. Import the following script:


    Note: Environment variables may not function in Oracle's SQL utility. If you experience problems importing the script using the utility, specify an explicit path.

    The policy store and key store schema is added to the database.

  3. Import the following script


    The policy store schema is extended.

  4. Import the following script to use the policy store as an audit logging database:


    Note: You are not required to configure the policy store to store additional SiteMinder data. You can configure individual databases to function as a separate audit log database, key store, and session store.

    The database can store SiteMinder data.

Configure an Oracle Data Source for SiteMinder

If you are using ODBC, you need to configure a data source for the Oracle wire protocol driver.

Create an Oracle Data Source on Windows

To create an Oracle data source on Windows

  1. Do one of the following:

    The ODBC Data Source Administrator appears.

  2. Click the System DSN tab, and then click Add.

    The Create New Data Source dialog appears

  3. Select SiteMinder Oracle Wire Protocol, and click Finish.

    The ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol Driver Setup dialog appears. The General tab is pulled to the front.

  4. Enter a name that identifies the data source in the Data Source Name field.

    Note: Record this name. You will need the data source name when pointing the Policy Server to the database.

  5. Enter the machine name where the Oracle database is installed in the Host Name field.
  6. Enter the port number where the Oracle database is listening on the machine in the Port Number field.
  7. Enter the name of the Oracle instance to which you want to connect in the SID field.

    Note: The service name is specified in the tnsnames.ora file. The SID is the system identifier for the database instance. The tnsnames.ora file contains service names and details that Oracle uses to identify and connect to Oracle instances.

    Example: if the tnsnames.ora file contains the following entry for an Oracle instance, you enter instance1 in the SID field:

    instance1 =
    (Address = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = myhost)(Port=1521))
    (Connect_DATA_ = (SID = SIDofinstance1))
  8. Click Test Connection.

    The connection settings are tested and a prompt appears specifying that the connection is successful.

  9. Click OK.

    The Oracle data source is configured for the wire protocol driver.

Create an Oracle RAC Data Source on Windows

You can configure Oracle RAC instances with the Policy Server as a single data source name similar to that of a single instance Oracle database. However, the data source name for Oracle RAC is different than a regular ODBC data source.

In an Oracle RAC system, in addition to the SID or ServiceName for each Oracle instance, there is also a ServiceName for the entire Oracle RAC system. When configuring a data source, configure the data source name to use this ServiceName when connecting to an Oracle RAC.

To configure an Oracle RAC data source

  1. Do one of the following:

    The ODBC Data Source Administrator appears.

  2. Click the System DSN tab, and then click Add.
  3. Select SiteMinder Oracle Wire Protocol, and click Finish.

    The ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol Driver Setup dialog appears. The General tab is pulled to the front.

  4. Enter a name that identifies the data source in the Data Source Name field.

    Note: Record this name. You will need the data source name when pointing the Policy Server to the database.

  5. Enter the IP Address of the first node in the Oracle RAC system in the Host field.

    Oracle RAC 10g: Enter the virtual IP Address.

  6. Enter the service name for the entire Oracle RAC system in the Service Name field.

    Example: In the following tnsnames.ora file, the SMDB value is the service name for the entire Oracle RAC system, which contains 3 nodes:

    (Description =
    (ADDRESS = (Protocol = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername1)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (Protocol = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername2)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (Protocol = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername3)(PORT = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
  7. Click the Failover tab.

    Failover settings appear.

  8. Specify the host name or virtual IP Address, port number, and service name for the remaining Oracle RAC nodes in the environment in the Alternate Servers field.

    Note: The ServiceName is the service name for the entire Oracle RAC system.

  9. Specify the AlternateServers to provide connection failover to the other Oracle nodes if the primary server is not accepting connections. The entry should have the following format:


  10. Select LoadBalancing.
  11. Click OK

    The Oracle RAC data source is configured for the wire protocol driver.

Create an Oracle Data Source on UNIX Systems

The SiteMinder ODBC data sources are configured using a system_odbc.ini file, which you create by renaming oraclewire.ini, located in policy_server_installation/db, to system_odbc.ini. This system_odbc.ini file contains all of the names of the available ODBC data sources as well as the attributes that are associated with these data sources. This file must be customized to work for each site. Also, you can add additional data sources to this file, such as defining additional ODBC user directories for SiteMinder.

The first section of the system_odbc.ini file, [ODBC Data Sources], contains a list of all of the currently available data sources. The name before the “=” refers to a subsequent section of the file describing each individual data source. After the “=” is a comment field.

Note: If you modify of the first line of data source entry, which is [SiteMinder Data Source], take note of the change because you will need this value when configure your ODBC database as a policy store.

Each data source has a section in the system_odbc.ini file describing its attributes. The first attribute is the ODBC driver to be loaded when this data source is used by SiteMinder. The remaining attributes are specific to the driver.

Adding an Oracle Data source involves adding a new data source name in the [ODBC Data Sources] section of the file, and adding a section that describes the data source using the same name as the data source. You need to change the system_odbc.ini file if you create a new service name or want to use a different driver. You should have entries for the SQL Server or Oracle drivers under [SiteMinder Data Source].

Again, to configure an Oracle data source, you must first create a system_odbc.ini file in the policy_server_installation/db directory. To do this, you need to rename oraclewire.ini, located in policy_server_installation/db, to system_odbc.ini.