Installation and Upgrade Guides › Policy Server Installation Guide › Configuring SiteMinder Data Stores in a Relational Database › Configure an Oracle Policy Store › How to Configure the Policy Store
How to Configure the Policy Store
To configure a single Oracle database as policy store, key store, and logging database, complete the following procedures:
Note: Be sure that you have gathered the required database information before beginning. Some of the following procedures require this information.
- Be sure that the Oracle database instance that is to contain the SiteMinder data is accessible from the Policy Server system. Test the communication using tnsping or sqlplus.
- Create the SiteMinder Schema.
- Configure an Oracle data source for SiteMinder:
- (Windows) Create an Oracle data source on Windows systems.
- (Windows) Create an Oracle RAC data source on Windows systems.
- (UNIX) Create an Oracle data source on UNIX.
- (UNIX) Configure the wire protocol driver.
- (UNIX) Configure the Oracle wire protocol driver.
- (UNIX) Configure the Oracle RAC wire protocol driver.
- Point the Policy Server to the database.
- Set the SiteMinder super user password.
- Import the default policy store objects.
- Import the policy store data definitions.
- Restart the Policy Server.
- Prepare for the Administrative UI registration.
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