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Configure an Oracle Policy Store

A single Oracle database can function as a:

Using a single database simplifies administrative tasks. The following sections provide instruction on how to configure a single database server to store SiteMinder data.

You can configure an Oracle policy store manually or use the Policy Server installer to configure the policy store automatically.

Prerequisites for an Oracle 10g Database

After installing the Oracle 10g database, complete the following prerequisites:

Create an Oracle 10g Table Space for the Policy Store

Creating a table space for the policy store is a prerequisite for an Oracle 10g database only.

To create an Oracle 10g table space for the policy store

  1. In the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control, log in as the SYSDBA user with appropriate privileges to manage the Oracle database.
  2. On the Oracle global database’s configuration screen, select Administration, Tablespaces.
  3. On the Tablespaces screen, click Create.
  4. On the Create Tablespaces screen, enter a table space name, and click ADD.

    Example: NETE_TB

  5. On the Create Tablespaces: Add Datafile screen:
    1. Enter a file name.

      Example: NETE_TB

    2. Specify the file size.

      Example: 100 MB

    3. Click Continue.

    Oracle creates the table space and displays it on the Tablespaces screen.

Complete the prerequisites by creating a user to manage the table space for the policy store.

More Information:

Create an Oracle 10g User to Manage the Policy Store’s Table Space

Create an Oracle 10g User to Manage the Policy Store’s Table Space

Creating a user to manage table space for the policy store is a prerequisite for an Oracle 10g database only.

To create a user to manage table space for the policy store

  1. On the Oracle global database’s configuration screen, select Administration, Users.
  2. On the Create Tablespaces screen, click Create.
  3. On the Create User screen, enter the:
  4. Click Roles.
  5. Select Modify.
  6. On the Modify Roles screen:
    1. Select CONNECT and RESOURCE as a roles for this user.
    2. Click Apply.
  7. Start sqlplus in a command window, by entering:
    1. sqlplus
    2. the credentials for the policy store user created on the Create User screen.

    You have completed the prerequisites for an Oracle 10g database, and can now configure a SiteMinder data store for the database.

Gather Database Information

Configuring a single Oracle database to function as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store requires specific database information.

Information prefixed with (U) indicates that the information is only required if the Policy Server is installed on a UNIX system. This information is required when configuring Oracle data source for UNIX.

Note: Policy and data store worksheets are provided to help you gather and record information before configuring or upgrading a SiteMinder data store. You can print the applicable worksheet and can use it to record required information before beginning.

More information:

Oracle Information Worksheet

Oracle RAC Information Worksheet

Required Information

Gather the following required information before configuring a supported Oracle or Oracle RAC database as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store:

Oracle Database Information

Gather the following information only if you are configuring a supported Oracle database as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store:

Oracle RAC Database Information

Gather the following information only if you are configuring a supported Oracle RAC database as a policy store or any other SiteMinder data store: