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Run the smfedimport Tool

The smfedimport utility can import SAML Identity Providers and Service Providers into a SiteMinder policy store and smkeydatabase. If you import a Service Provider input file, the result is a new SiteMinder Service Provider object within an existing affiliate domain. If you import a SAML Identity Provider input file, the result is an authentication scheme based on the SiteMinder SAML 2.0 Template.

When the smfedimport command line utility is run, the first and second parameters are the username and password of the SiteMinder administrator. The third and final argument is the path to the input XML file.

To run the smfedimport tool

  1. At the system where you installed the Policy Server, open up a command window.
  2. Enter the command using the following syntax:

    To import a SAML2 Identity Provider metadata file into the policy store:

    smfedimport -type saml2idp -username <username>
    -password <password> -entityid <entityid> -name <name>
    [-importkeys <name>] [-silent] -input <file>

    To import a Service Provider metadata file into the policy store:

    smfedimport -type saml2sp -username <username>
    -password <password> -entityid <entityid> -domainname <name>
    -authurl <URL> -nameidformat (U|E|X|W|K|N|P|T|U)
    -nameidtype  (S | U | D) -attrname <name> -dnspec <spec>
    -name <name>[-importkeys <name>] [-silent] -input <file>

    Note: Switches in square brackets [] are optional.

After smfedimport processes the initial command options, the tool prompts you for additional data based on the type of file you are importing. Any optional arguments that you do not enter on the command line have default values.

smfedimport Tool Examples

Example: Importing Identity Provider metadata

smfedimport -type saml2idp -username Siteminder
-password siteminderpassword -entityid
-name mynewauthscheme -importkeys keyaliasname -input mypartnersidpinfo.xml

Example: Importing Service Provider metadata

smfedimport -type saml2sp -username Siteminder  -password siteminderpassword
-entityid -name mynewsaml2sp -importkeys
keyalisname -domainname myaffiliatedomain
-authurl -nameidformat U
-nameidtype S -attrname attrname  -input mypartnersspinfo.xml