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Policy Server Tools

This section contains the following topics:

Policy Server Tools Overview

Export Policy Data Using smobjexport

Import Policy Data Using smobjimport

Overview of the XML-based Data Format

Export Policy Data Using XPSExport

Import Policy Data Using XPSImport

Export and Import Stored Keys

Manage an LDAP Policy Store Using smldapsetup

Delete SiteMinder Data in ODBC Databases

Check Solaris Patches with smpatchcheck

Import Tokens Using the SiteMinder Token Tool

SiteMinder Test Tool

Change the SiteMinder Super User Password Using smreg

How to Count the Users in your SiteMinder Environment

XPSConfig—Manage Product Parameters

XPSEvaluate—Evaluate Expressions

XPSExplorer—Browse Policy Store Data

XPSSecurity—Manage XPS Administrators

XPSSweeper—Synchronize XPS and SiteMinder Policy Stores

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