Previous Topic: Import Policy Data Using smobjimport

Next Topic: Export Policy Data Using XPSExport

Overview of the XML-based Data Format

Enterprise environments can require policy store data to be moved from one environment to another, such as from a development environment to a staging environment. In releases prior to r12, policy objects are represented using the proprietary SiteMinder Data Interchange Format (SMDIF), using smobjimport and smobjexport for migrating the data. This export format and these tools have been replaced by an XML-based export format, using XPSExport and XPSImport to migrate the data.

The XML-based export format uses the following fundamental schemas:

This format supports not only exporting and importing policy data in its entirety, but also exporting and importing a subset of the policy data. A granular export presupposes knowledge of how the data will be imported. On export, you can specify the entire policy data, or a portion of the data using an object identifier and optionally one of these three export types:

Note: The XPSExport and XPSImport tools encrypt sensitive data based on the FIPS mode the Policy Server is operating in. There are no additional parameters in these tools to set for data encryption.

More information:

Export Policy Data Using XPSExport

Import Policy Data Using XPSImport

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