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Import Policy Data Using smobjimport

The smobjimport tool imports the entire policy store or a single policy domain using two files--an .smdif (SiteMinder Data Interchange Format) and a .cfg (environment configuration) file--created by smobjexport. The .smdif file standardizes SiteMinder data so you can import it into an ODBC or LDAP directory. For example, you can export an .smdif file from an ODBC database and import it to an LDAP directory. The environment configuration (.cfg) file contains environment specific properties for the policy store such as the IP Addresses, redirection URLs, shared secrets, and logging settings. The text in the .cfg file is separated by tabs and you can read it in an Excel spreadsheet.

Using the Command Line Interface, you can write Perl scripts to import and export particular objects rather than all the Policy Store objects. For more information, see the SiteMinder Programming Guide for Perl.

Note: The naming convention for smobjimport is the same as smobjexport in that it supports an .smdif file and .cfg file. Using smobjexport as an example, if the output file you specified with the smobjexport command has an .smdif extension (that is, file_name.smdif), then the extension is replaced with .cfg (such as file_name.cfg) for the configuration file. However, if the output file you specify does not have an .smdif extension (that is, file_name.txt), then .cfg is appended to file name and extension (such as file_name.txt.cfg).

smobjimport uses the following arguments to supply information required to import data:

Note: If any of the arguments contain spaces, use double quotes around the entire argument. For example, if the name of the SiteMinder administrator is SiteMinder Admin, the argument for smobjimport would be -d"SiteMinder Admin". If the description of a SiteMinder object specified in the Administrative UI is more than one line long, smobjimport will only import the first line of the description.

To import Policy data using smobjimport

  1. Navigate to one of the following locations:
  2. Enter the following command:
    smobjimport -ifile_name -dadmin-name -wadmin-pw -v -t

    Example: smobjimport -ipstore.smdif -dSiteMinder -wpassword -v -t

    Note: You only need to enter the .smdif file with the smobjimport command, since it automatically imports both the .smdif and .cfg files together if they are in the same directory. The environment properties stored in the .cfg file take precedence over the ones in the .smdif file. Thus, you can overwrite an environment's data by pairing the .smdif file with a different .cfg file when running smobjimport.

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