XPSExport and XPSImport do not handle moving keys to and from the key store. For this purpose you must use smkeyexport and smkeyimport.
The smexportkey tool exports keys from the key store. The syntax for smkeyexport is following.
smkeyexport -dadminname -wadminpw [-ooutput_filename] [-f] [-c] [-cb] [-cf] [-l] [-v] [-t] [-?]
Specifies the name of the SiteMinder administrator.
Specifies the password of the SiteMinder administrator.
(Optional). Specifies the output file; defaults to stdout.smdif.
(Optional).Overwrites an existing output file.
(Optional). Exports sensitive data unencrypted.
(Optional). Exports sensitive data encrypted with backward-compatible cryptography.
(Optional). Exports sensitive data encrypted with FIPS-compatible cryptography.
(Optional). Creates and logs entries to the specified file (filename.log).
(Optional). Specifies verbose messaging.
(Optional). Enables tracing.
(Optional). Displays command options.
The smkeyimport tool imports keys into the key store. The syntax of smkeyimport is following.
smkeyimport -iinput_file -dadminname -wadminpw [-c] [-cb] [-cf] [-l] [-v] [-t] [-?]
Specifies the input file name.
Specifies the name of the SiteMinder administrator.
Specifies the password of the SiteMinder administrator.
(Optional). Specifies that the input file contains clear-text passwords.
(Optional). Imports clear-text passwords with backward-compatible cryptography.
(Optional). Imports clear-text passwords with FIPS-compatible cryptography.
(Optional). Creates and logs entries to the specified file (file.log).
(Optional). Specifies verbose messaging.
(Optional). Enables tracing.
(Optional). Displays command-line options.
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