Previous Topic: Add Functionality to the Federation DeploymentNext Topic: Set Up Asserting Party Components

Overview of a CA SiteMinder® Federation Setup

This section contains the following topics:

Federation Setup Overview

Conventions in the Installation Overview Procedures

Set Up Asserting Party Components

Set Up Relying Party Components

Federation Setup Overview

This overview outlines the setup of a CA SiteMinder® federated network.

The steps in each procedure are divided by tasks by the party generating assertions and tasks by the party consuming assertions. Within this organization, the procedures are further divided by the Policy Server and Web Agent tasks at each site.

For general purposes, this guide uses the terms asserting party and relying party to identify sides of a federated relationship.

The party that generates assertions is referred to as the asserting party. The asserting party can be any of the following partners:

The party that consumes assertions for authentication purposes is referred to as the relying party. The relying party can be any of the following partners:

Note: You can perform all the installation tasks first then complete the software configuration through the Administrative UI.

These procedures refer to the latest CA SiteMinder® release. See the CA SiteMinder® Platform Matrix for version information for a release.

To locate the CA SiteMinder® Platform Support Matrix

  1. Log on to the Technical Support Site.
  2. Search for Platform Support Matrix.

Be aware of the following information:

Conventions in the Installation Overview Procedures

The following variables are used in installation and configuration procedures:


Specifies the installed location of the Web Agent


Specifies the installed location of the Policy Server


Indicates the installed location of the web server


Designates fully qualified host name


Specifies the port number of a server


Specifies the installed location of CA SiteMinder® SPS