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Troubleshoot a SiteMinder Key Database Migration

Status of CA SiteMinder® Key Database Migration Unknown


I know that a Policy Server was upgraded. However, I am not sure that the smkeydatabase migration to the certificate data store was successful.


Use the smkeydatabase migration utility (smmigratecds) to verify that the migration was successful.

Note: The default location of this utility is siteminder_home\bin.


Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Server host system on which the smkeydatabase is collocated.
  2. Do one of the following steps:

    If the migration was successful, a message states that the system has already been migrated. If the migration failed, a message states that the system must be migrated.

Certificate Data Store Error Appears


I received a message stating that the certificate data store is not configured.


Follow these steps:

  1. If you are upgrading from r6.x, extend the policy store schema.
  2. Log in to the Policy Server host system.
  3. Run the following command:
    XPSDDInstall CDSObjects.xdd

    The policy store schema is extended to support the certificate data store.

  4. Do one of the following steps:
  5. Migrate the CA SiteMinder® key database manually.

More information:

Migrate a CA SiteMinder® Key Database Manually

Migration Failed Error Appears


I received a message stating that the smkeydatabase migration failed.


The migration utility (smmigratecds) compared the contents of the smkeydatabase to the certificate data store and identified one or more data inconsistencies. An example of a data inconsistency is the same alias mapping to different certificates.

These inconsistencies prevented a successful migration.

Follow these steps:

  1. Use the smkeydatabase migration log (smkeydatabaseMigration.log) to identify the problem.

    The log is located in siteminder_home\log.


    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

  2. Access the smkeydatabase using the smkeytool utility with the access legacy key store flag (–accessLegacyKS).
  3. Resolve the data inconsistencies that resulted in the failure.

    Note: For more information about using smkeytool, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  4. Migrate the smkeydatabase manually.

More information:

CA SiteMinder® Key Tool

Migrate a CA SiteMinder® Key Database Manually


I want to migrate smkeydatabase certificate data to the certificate data store manually.


Use the smkeydatabase migration utility (smmigratecds).

Follow these steps:

  1. Be sure that all smkeydatabase instances are synchronized.
  2. Log in to the Policy Server host system on which the smkeydatabase is collocated.
  3. Do one of the following steps to verify that the certificate data store is configured correctly:
  4. Do one of the following steps to compare the contents of the smkeydatabase to the certificate data store. Comparing the contents identifies data inconsistencies that can prevent a successful migration:
  5. (Optional) If data inconsistencies exist, use the log file to identify the problem.
  6. Do one of the following steps to begin the migration:
  7. (Optional) If the migration fails, use the log file to identify the cause.