This structure defines information about the remote service library.
This structure has the following syntax:
typedef struct Sm_AgentApi_TunnelServiceRequest_s { char lpszLibrary[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_NAME]; char lpszFunction[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_NAME]; char lpszParameter[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_USERINFO]; long nLength; void* pData; } Sm_AgentApi_TunnelServiceRequest_t;
This structure has the following parameters:
The name of the service to be invoked by the Policy Server.
The name of a method to call within the service.
Arbitrary string parameter to be passed to the method.
The length of the data passed to the method. The maximum length can be determined by calling Sm_AgentApi_GetMaxTunnelBufSize().
A pointer to the data.
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