This structure is used for passing credentials to the server.
Note: The agent supplies only the relevant information as requested by the Policy Server.
This structure has the following format:
typedef struct Sm_AgentApi_UserCredentials_s { long nChallengeReason; char lpszUsername[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_USERINFO]; char lpszPassword[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_USERINFO]; char lszCertUserDN[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_USERINFO]; char lpszCertIssuerDN[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_USERINFO]; long nCertBinaryLen; char* lpszCertBinary; } Sm_AgentApi_UserCredentials_t;
This structure has the following parameters:
The original reason code from a previous authentication that has failed or been challenged.
Name of the user being authenticated.
Password of the user being authenticated.
This field should be set to null. Specify the complete certificate data, including the user DN, in lpszCertBinary.Existing agent applications that specify a user DN in this field are not required to change the value to null. A user DN value is supported for backward compatibility.
This field should be set to null. Specify the complete certificate data, including the issuer DN, in lpszCertBinary.Existnnnnning agent applications that specify an issuer DN in this field are not required to change the value to null. An issuer DN value is supported for backward compatibility. If lpszCertUserDN is null, lpszCertIssuerDN is ignored.
Number of characters in the Binary Certificate.
Pointer to the certificate data.
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