This structure defines information about the user's session.
This structure has the following format:
typedef struct Sm_AgentApi_Session_s { long nReason; long nIdleTimeout; long nMaxTimeout; long nCurrentServerTime; long nSessionStartTime; long nSessionLastTime; char lpszSessionId[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_OID]; char lpszSessionSpec[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_SESSIONSPEC]; } Sm_AgentApi_Session_t;
This structure has the following parameters:
Additional status code: explains the reason for failed authentication or authorization, or is passed in the event that results from a successful invocation of Sm_AgentApi_Logout(). Defined in SmApi.h.
Maximum amount of time a session can be valid without the user accessing a resource before the agent should challenge the user to re-authenticate, defined in seconds.
Maximum amount of time a user session can be active before the agent challenges the user to re-authenticate, defined in seconds.
Current time (in GMT) set on the Policy Server.
Server time (in GMT) when the session started.
Server time (in GMT) when the session was last seen by the Policy Server.
An opaque value returned to identify the session.
An opaque value returned to identify the session, which represents the session specification.
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