This structure defines the connection configuration for each server.
This structure has the following format:
typedef struct Sm_AgentApi_Server_s { char lpszIpAddr[SM_AGENTAPI_SIZE_NAME]; long nConnMin; long nConnMax; long nConnStep; long nTimeout; long nPort[3]; void* pHandle[3]; long nClusterSeq; } Sm_AgentApi_Server_t;
This structure has the following parameters:
The IP address of the Policy Server. A pipe of TCP connections is formed for each of the three services within the Policy Server (Authorization, Authentication, and Accounting).
Describing the pipe of TCP connections, this is the initial number of connections.
Describing the pipe of TCP connections, this is the maximum number of allowed connections within the pipe.
As necessary, the number of connections in the pipe of TCP connections will be increased by this increment.
The number of seconds until it is determined that the agent can not reach the Policy Server. This parameter is configurable based on the overall throughput and latency conditions of the entire SiteMinder installation.
When the Policy Server is configured for a single Access Control TCP port, use the constant SM_AGENTAPI_POLICYSERVER to point to the combined port. The constants below are maintained for backward compatibility:
Reserved; set to null.
The cluster sequence number. Sequence numbers begin at 1. Omit this parameter for a non-cluster server.
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