The PRESET, PRESET_REL, ALG_PRESET and ALG_PRESET_REL keywords in the URL specify initial values for attributes of the ticket and its activity log, respectively. There are two possible formats:
Indicates that the specified attribute of the ticket or activity log should be set to the specified value. For example, the following specification sets the description of the new ticket to “Hello:”
Indicates that the specified attribute of the ticket or activity log should be set to a value copied from another database table. The value is copied from the relattr attribute of the obj whose testattr has the specified value. For example, the following specification sets the analyst attribute of the new ticket to the ID of the contact with user ID xyz123:
When this format is used, the implied query must retrieve a unique record. If more than one contact has a user ID of xyz123 (or none), the example PRESET specification has no effect.
The PRESET, PRESET_REL, ALG_PRESET and ALG_PRESET_REL keywords can occur as many times as desired in a URL, allowing the setting of multiple attributes. Alternatively, a single keyword operand can specify multiple values separated by @@. If the '@@' separator is used, you cannot mix value formats for [ALG_]PRESET and [ALG_]PRESET_REL keywords. For example, the following example shows two different ways of specifying values for ticket description, summary and analyst:
For requests, issues, incidents, problems, and change orders, both PRESET and PRESET_REL support a keyword attribute ASSET to link an object to an asset. The ASSET attribute updates the affected_resource attribute of a request, incident, or problem, or the asset LREL of an issue or change order.
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