The following operations are supported to let you integrate the CA SDM web pages with your web pages:
Provides a generic interface to let the user create a row in a specified table. The object name must be specified, and by default a template named detail_xxx_edit.htmpl is used for object xxx. You can override the .htmpl file by specifying the HTMPL property.
PRESET_REL=preset expression
use_template=1 | 0 (0 is the default)
Note: To use the HTMPL specifier with CREATE_NEW, the referenced form must have a name conforming to the naming convention zdetailxxx_factory.htmpl. The name must begin with the string zdetail, followed by any alphanumeric characters (including a null string), followed by an underscore and the factory name.
Ends the current logged-in session. ENDSESSION is the preferred operation.
Provides a generic interface to allow the user to display a list from any table in the database. The object name must be specified, and by default a template named list_xxx.htmpl is used for object xxx. You can override the .htmpl file by specifying the HTMPL property.
Provides a generic interface to let the user display any customized form.
Note: DISPLAY_FORM replaces JUST_GRONK_IT. Existing implementations can continue to use JUST_GRONK_IT, which functions exactly like DISPLAY_FORM. DISPLAY_FORM is the preferred operation.
Displays the main menu page, which is defined in the web.cfg file in the Menu property.
menufile is the name of an alternate main menu file.
Allows the webmaster to specify additional extensions to the interface.
html_file is one of the file names listed in the configuration file UserPageExtensions directive.
If present, a login page appears first if the user is not currently logged in. If omitted or set to zero, the file is shown without checking if the user is currently logged in.
Displays the login page.
Provides a generic interface to allow the searching of any table in the database. This operation assumes that an appropriate search_xxx.htmpl has been created, where xxx is the object-name, as defined in the .maj files in the majic directory in bopcfg.
Note: For more information, see the CA SDM Technical Reference Guide. By default, the results of this search are displayed in list_xxx.htmpl, but this can be overridden by specifying the HTMPL property.
Refreshes the user access information from the security subsystem. A hyperlink for this operation is provided to users who have MODIFY privileges (for the admin functional group) on the menu screen. After updating user access privileges with the security program, this operation provides a means to refresh access information. (This operation refreshes the security information for all users.)
Note: Security refresh is an asynchronous process. When the security refresh is done, a message shows in the standard log file (stdlog).
The behavior of this operation is the same as MENU when MENU is used with the HTMPL variable. The only difference is that this operation also sets the default menu form to the menu form specified with the HTMPL property.
Note: This operation overrides the MENU set in the web.cfg until the web service is restarted.
Provides a generic interface to allow the user to display a read‑only detail of a row in a specified table. The persistent ID name must be specified (from which the object name is inferred). By default, a template named detail_xxx_ro.htmpl is used for object xxx. The .htmpl file can be overridden by specifying the HTMPL property.
Provides a generic interface to editing any table. The ID and object name must be passed in and a detail form that the user can edit is displayed to the user. By default, the user has exclusive access to the record for two minutes, and is guaranteed to get changes into the database if they are submitted in this time.
PERSID=persistent-id or FACTORY=object-name
NEXT_PERSID=persistent‑id (of record to display after successful update)
Note: To use the HTMPL specifier with UPDATE, the referenced form must have a name conforming to the naming convention zdetailxxx_factory.htmpl. The name must begin with the string “zdetail”, followed by any alphanumeric characters (including a null string), followed by an underscore and the factory name.
Note: For information about web.cfg, see the Administration Guide.
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