CA SDM provides a menu bar on almost every form to control its functions. The menu bar is generated by an HTMPL form with a name of the form menubar_xx.htmpl. We recommend that you use WSP to customize existing menu bars and define new ones.
The following predefined functions may be useful for scripts invoked by menu items:
Loads a new form into the main window content frame.
Pops up a form to define a new record.
Popup_window(name, form[, width, height [,features [,args]]])
Pops up a new window.
Pops up a detail record.
The following terms and definitions apply to the previous functions:
This is either an HTMPL file name of the form xxx.htmpl or an operation code (for example CREATE_NEW).
This is the name of a database object.
This is either true or false.
This represents the desired form width or zero for default.
This represents the desired form height or zero for default.
This is a list of window features, in the same format used with the standard function.
This is one or more args of the form "keyword=value" for the operation specified for form.
This is a persistent ID in the form factory:ID.
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