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Modify Stylesheets

You can use WSP to edit or create CSS (cascading stylesheet) files.

Note: For performance reasons, CA SDM stylesheets are delivered in two forms: Individual files (such as search_filter.css) and combination files grouping a number of individual files with comments and excess white space removed (such as analyst_styles.css). WSP always edits the individual files; you cannot edit a combination file directly. When you publish stylesheet changes, WSP automatically builds the associated combination file if necessary.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create or open CCS stylesheet file.

    WSP displays the Source view of the stylesheet.

  2. You can edit directly in Source view, or display the Style Designer by selecting Tools, Style Designer..
  3. Complete the fields in the Style Designer dialog, as appropriate. There are a number of style attributes, such as margin and border that can neither be seen nor edited in the Style Designer. These must be edited in Source view.
  4. Click OK in the Style Designer.

    WSP reformats the stylesheet and updates the Source view.

  5. Click File, Save.

    The stylesheet is customized.